Everything You Need To Learn Esperanto

Everything You Need To Learn Esperanto

Esperanto is a language that was originally created in 1887 by Dr. Ludwig L. Zamenhof, who wanted to create an easy universal second language that people all across the globe could use to communicate with one another.

Due to it being a constructed language designed to be easy, it can be learned in a fraction of the time it takes to learn natural languages.

There are tens of thousands of speakers across the world who speak Esperanto as a first or second language, though the exact number is difficult to quantify.

(Read our post for an in-depth look at Esperanto and why you should learn it.)

Esperanto has its own culture and a community of dedicated speakers who’ve made it their mission to make the language and its resources accessible to all, which means you’ll find plenty of learning materials to get you to Esperanto fluency in no time.

Esperanto Language Learning Books

Though most people don’t learn Esperanto through book courses, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t, as everyone learns differently.

A good Esperanto course book will give you a solid foundation in the language, and you’ll easily be able to go from beginner to intermediate/advanced by the end of the course.

You should also add an Esperanto-English dictionary to your collection, as you’ll need a way to look up all of those new Esperanto words you’ll encounter, or find words to express more complex ideas.

Getting an Esperanto word search puzzle book is also a good idea, as it lets you have fun whilst learning new words and cementing those that you already know.

Esperanto Children’s Books

Esperanto children’s books aren’t just for kids. As a beginner, you’ll find that these books are perfect for easing you into the language in a stress-free way, as they’re written using simple vocabulary and concepts that won’t overwhelm you.

Esperanto Fiction

When you’re ready to transition from kids’ books to Esperanto stories written for adults, you’ll find a plethora of titles, mostly translated works, to keep you busy.

Esperanto adult fiction will tackle concepts that will both engage and challenge you, whilst keeping your interest with plots and subplots. You’ll be exposed to more complex ideas and vocabulary, which will improve your overall Esperanto skills tremendously.

Esperanto Movies & TV Shows

Movies with Esperanto dubbing are few and far between, unfortunately. There are a couple of mainstream one, which you may already have heard of, and several B-movies that include Esperanto dubbing, but that’s about it for puchasable DVDs.

There are others, along with Esperanto music, that’s available on YouTube. We discuss them extensively in our post Why You Should Learn Esperanto.

Watching Esperanto-language content is a wonderful way to improve your listening comprehension, and if you watch enough of it, you’ll eventually become familiar with common words and phrases.

Esperanto Digital Courses

For those who don’t want to slog through a course book and are more interested in learning how to speak Esperanto right from the get go, an Esperanto e-course would make a lot of sense.

Udemy offers a comprehensive Esperanto course that will get the dedicated learner from beginner to advanced in a short space of time, and teaches all of the core principles of the language through several hours of video instruction.

Udemy’s Esperanto course is good in that you can access it from any device, you get lifetime access to all future updates, and you’ll even be a part of an active Esperanto learners’ community, which will keep you motivated. You even get a certificate of completion once you’ve finished the course!


Udemy Esperanto

Esperanto Products

Although these products won’t neccessarily help you to learn Esperanto, they’re pretty cool and will look great if you decide to attend one of the many international Esperanto events.

A funny Esperanto T-shirt will make you stand out, and you’ll be giving a nod to any other covert Esperantists that you cross in the street.

Ne krokodilu kun mi - Funny Esperanto T-Shirt


Kio okazas en Esperantujo restas en Esperantujo: Funny Esperanto T-Shirt


Esperanto Quizzes and Games

One of the best ways to learn Esperanto vocabulary is by taking an Esperanto language quiz, or playing a game in Esperanto.

Body Parts in Esperanto Quiz

Animal Clues Game: Learn Animal Names in Esperanto