Mastering Basque Opposites: 25 Word Pairs to Boost Your Vocabulary

Mastering Basque Opposites: 25 Word Pairs to Boost Your Vocabulary

Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of the Basque language? Welcome to our latest post designed to make your journey into Basque both educational and enjoyable!

Whether you’re a newbie trying to pick up some essential vocabulary or an intermediate learner looking to expand your skills, this list of 25 contrasting word pairs in Basque will be a valuable resource. These pairs not only help you understand the nuances of the language but also show you how to express opposites in daily conversations.

Basque Udemy course

Basque is a language shrouded in mystery and history. It’s unique because it doesn’t belong to any other language family—yes, you read that right, it’s one of a kind! That makes learning Basque an especially exciting venture.

By mastering these pairs, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how the language functions and how native speakers think. From simple yet essential contrasts like “hot and cold” to more complex and abstract pairs like “rich and poor,” this list has got you covered.

So, without further ado, let’s jump right into these intriguing Basque word pairs that will surely enrich your vocabulary and broaden your understanding of this one-of-a-kind language!

hot cold bero hotz
up down gora behera
left right ezker eskuin
happy sad pozik triste
big small handi txiki
young old gazte zahar
fast slow azkar motel
light dark argi ilun
hard soft gogor bigun
full empty bete hutsik
open closed ireki itxi
short long motz luze
wet dry busti lehor
tall short altu baxu
strong weak indartsu ahul
fat thin lodi mehe
sweet sour gozo garratz
loud quiet ozen lasai
near far hurbil urrun
beautiful ugly eder itsus
high low altu baxu
new old berri zahar
good bad on txar
rich poor aberats txiro
clean dirty garbi zikin

Printable BASQUE Euskara Flashcards [PDF Download]

Printable BASQUE Euskara Flashcards [PDF Download]
