Lingua Pet: A virtual pet vocabulary practice game for language learners!

Lingua Pet

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Lingua Pet vocbulary practice game

Lingua Pet is all about turning language learning into a magical adventure.

Meet your new buddy: a virtual pet unicorn that grows happier and healthier as you master vocabulary in 10 languages (new languages will be added over time). It’s all the fun of gaming combined with the brain-boosting benefits of learning over 400 of the most commonly-used nouns.

Be the ultimate unicorn carer

Your unicorn’s well-being is tied to your learning progress. Keep those vocab gains coming, and watch your unicorn thrive.

Earn coins, shop for goodies

Who knew learning could fill your virtual wallet? Correct answers mean coins in the bank, ready to be spent on delightful treats and toys for your unicorn.

Embrace mistakes, get smarter

Stumbled on a word? That’s just another chance to learn. Tackle your “oops” list and come back stronger, making your unicorn prouder.

Plenty of languages to practice

Practice one (or all) of the following languages: Filipino, French, German, Greek, Japanese (with Romaji included), Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Turkish. More languages will be added over time.

Best of all, this game is free to play!*

This game is still in beta, so there might be bugs and other errors. If you see any problems, please let us know here: [email protected]

*Extended, paid versions of indivual languages, complete with over 2000 words and phrases will be available in the future. Register your interest below by providing your email address. Early adopters will receive a discount upon launch.

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