German Words Compared to Other Languages

German Words Compared to Other Languages

Now, let me start off by saying that I LOVE German! No, seriously, I have an unhealthy obsession with the language, and I’m not ashamed to say it! But I’ll be the first to admit that it has its… let’s just say quirks.

German Udemy

And that’s putting it mildly. From words that stretch on longer than a marathon to the sheer musicality of its compound, ever-expanding nouns, German is a language that dances on the tongue and puzzles the mind in equal measure.

If you’re more used to Romance languages – like French, Italian – languages that sound like they were born in a vineyard and spend their days basking in the sun, German’s probably a shock to the senses!

And I’m HERE for it!

Let me give you a few examples of German compared to some other languages you might be familiar with, so you can see for yourself just how insanely awesome it is!

18 German words compared to other languages

1. Airplane / Aeroplane

French: avion

Italian: aereo

Spanish: avión

English: airplane / aeroplane

German: Flugzeug

2. Television

French: télévision

Italian: televisione

Spanish: televisión

English: television

German: Fernsehen

3. Station

French: gare

Italian: stazione

Spanish: estación

English: station

German: Bahnhof

4. Ambulance

French: ambulance

Italian: ambulanza

Spanish: ambulancia

English: ambulance

German: Krankenwagen

5. Speed limit

French: limitation de vitesse

Italian: limite di velocità

Spanish: límite de velocidad

English: speed limit

German: Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung

6. Science

French: science

Italian: scienza

Spanish: ciencia

English: science

German: Wissenschaft

7. Matchbox

French: boîte d’allumettes

Italian: scatola di fiammiferi

Spanish: caja de cerillas

English: matchbox

German: Streichholzschachtel

8. Vacation

French: vacances

Italian: vacanza

Spanish: vacaciones

English: vacation

German: Urlaub

9. Refrigerator

French: réfrigérateur

Italian: frigorifero

Spanish: refrigerador

English: refrigerator

German: Kühlschrank

10. Squirrel

French: écureuil

Italian: scoiattolo

Spanish: ardilla

English: squirrel

German: Eichhörnchen

11. Bicycle

French: vélo / bicyclette

Italian: bicicletta

Spanish: bicicleta

English: Bicycle

German: Fahrrad

12. Hospital

French: hôpital

Italian: ospedale

Spanish: hospital

English: hospital

German: Krankenhaus

13. Dishwasher

French: lave-vaisselle

Italian: lavastoviglie

Spanish: lavavajillas

English: dishwasher

German: Geschirrspülmaschine

14. Train

French: train

Italian: treno

Spanish: tren

English: train

German: Zug

15. Menu

French: menu

Italian: menu

Spanish: menú

English: menu

German: Speisekarte

16. Bubble

French: bulle

Italian: bolla

Spanish: burbuja

English: bubble

German: Seifenblase

17. Airport

French: aéroport

Italian: aeroporto

Spanish: aeropuerto

English: airport

German: Flughafen

18. Piano

French: piano

Italian: pianoforte

Spanish: piano

English: piano

German: Klavier

Now, obviously, we can’t really compare German to French, Italian, and Spanish, as these languages aren’t in the same language family. When you compare German to, say, Dutch or Danish, you’ll see many more similarities.

Still, it’s fascinating to see how languages spoken in regions that are often quite close to each other can be so different.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief look at the German language and its wacky ways. Auf wiedersehen!

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