25 Hungarian Proverbs with English Translations

25 Hungarian Proverbs (with audio and English translations)

We’re back at it again. I know, I know, my foreign proverbs obsession is getting out of hand, but I can’t help it!

Today, we’re taking a peek into the rich world of Hungarian proverbs/sayings. They’re witty, wise, and sometimes just a tad bit quirky.

Hungarian Udemy

These sayings give a glimpse into Hungary’s culture and how the lovely folks there see the world, with lessons that are just as relevant today as they were back in the day.

I’ve got 25 Hungarian proverbs lined up, each with their English translations and audio pronunciations to help you get the feel of the language.

All right, shall we proceed? Enjoy!

Hungarian proverbs 1-5

Könnyű böjtben elbánni a vendéggel.It is easy to deal with a guest while fasting.
Száz tél fel nem ér egy nyárral.A hundred winters are not worth one summer.
Mikor a disznót pörkölik, nem gondol malaczaira.When the pig is roasting, he doesn’t think about his piglets.
A jóllakott az éhesnek nem barátja.The full is no friend to the hungry.
Könnyű a gazdagnak lopni s az öregnek hazudni.It’s easy for the rich to steal and the old to lie.

Hungarian proverbs 6-10

Nehéz két széken egyszerre ülni.It is difficult to sit on two chairs at once.
A vak tyúk is talál néha szemcse.Even the blind hen sometimes finds a grain.
Nincsen falu szemet nélkül.There is no village without garbage.
Hosszú a nap mintha megakadna.The day is long as if it’s stuck.
Ne kívánj derelyét, ha nem telik.Don’t wish for it if it doesn’t last.

Hungarian proverbs 11-15

A meztelen nem tart a rablástól.The naked are not afraid of robbery.
Ne taníts rosszra senkit, magától is rájön.Don’t teach anyone to do wrong, they will figure it out on their own.
A gazdagokkal ne perlekedjél s az erősekkel ne birkózzál.Do not quarrel with the rich or wrestle with the powerful.
Kár a tengerbe vizet önteni.It’s useless to pour water into the sea.
Jó az ima, de jobb a kenyér.Prayer is good, but bread is better.

Hungarian proverbs 16-20

Ne melengess kígyót kebledben, mert megmar.Do not warm a snake in your bosom; it will bite you.
A szerencse elveszi az észt, de a szerencsétlenség visszaadja.Fortune takes away reason, but misfortune returns it.
Rosszabb a kitanult ördög mint a természetes.A trained devil is worse than a natural one.
Ha mind ur lesz, ki fog sertést őrizni?If everyone becomes a lord, who will herd the pigs?
A tojás ne tanítsa a tyúkot.The egg shouldn’t teach the hen.

Hungarian proverbs 21-25

Nem jó a madárnak arany kalitkában sem.Even in a golden cage, it’s not good for the bird.
Mindenütt jó, de legjobb otthon.Everywhere is good, but home is best.
A bagoly is madár.The owl is also a bird.
A baj gyorsan érkezik, s lassan távozik.Trouble comes quickly and leaves slowly.
Kéz kezet mos, s mindkettő tiszta.One hand washes the other, and both are clean.

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