Everything You Need To Learn Persian
Persian (Farsi: فارسی) is an Indo-Iranian language from the Indo-European language family. It is the national language of Iran (formerly known as Persia), and one of two official languages in Afghanistan, where it’s known as Dari. There are around 110 million Persian speakers worldwide.
The language is most closely related to Kurdish, Pashto and Avestan. It’s written in the Persian alphabet, a derivation of the Arabic alphabet, and is thus written from right to left.
Luckily, there are a variety of resources available for those interested in Persian; this is likely due to the vast number of speakers. We’ve put together a list of the products we believe will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
Persian Language Learning Books
Start your language journey off with a good Persian course book that will teach you the basics. Persian study books include a rudimentary study of the language in all four skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), introducing you to Persian grammar concepts and language structure gradually, at a pace that’s comfortable for beginners.
A Persian/Farsi dictionary and phrasebook is always a good idea to keep on hand. You’ll have access to the most common Persian words and everyday phrases to use when speaking to natives.
As Farsi uses a unique writing system that’s likely alien to English speakers, it’s worth picking up a Persian writing practice work book to help you learn the Persian alphabet in a fun and interactive way.
Persian Children’s Books
One of the best ways to build on the skills you learned during your course is to read kids’ books in Persian. They’re a great, non-threatening way to put your language skills into practice, as the language used in them is simple and easy-to-read.
Persian Fiction
Take your learning even further by reading more challenging material, particularly Persian books written for older readers.
These books are more relatable to adults, covering more complex topics, using advanced language, thereby boosting your working Persian vocabulary considerably.
Persian Movies & TV Shows
Watching Persian-language films/films with Persian dubbing is a great way to put your language skills into practice and learn proper pronunciation, all while having fun.
What’s more, Persian movies are often packed with useful Persian phrases and colloquial expressions that will help you sound more natural when speaking with native Persian speakers.
Baran (Lluvia) DVD - Audio: Persian, Spanish [Region 2]
Persian Digital Courses
Maybe books aren’t your thing, and you’re more interested in learning using a more interactive, less theoretical approach. If that’s the case, a Persian e-course might be a better fit for you.
Persian digital courses tend to be audiovisual in nature, the majority of the lessons being audio and/or videos. They aim to nurture learners’ speaking and listening skills, whilst introducing them to grammar and language structure in a more organic way.
While Udemy offers a comprehensive, extremely affordable Persian course packed with 11.5 hours of video lessons, Pimsleur’s Conversational Farsi course is audio-only, though both aim to have you speaking at least basic Persian by the end.
You’ll usually be able to access these courses on or offline, from anywhere in the world, from almost any device with audio or video capabilities. Perfect for learning while you’re on the move.