Days, Months, and Seasons in Georgian

Days, Months, and Seasons in Georgian

Learning a new language opens the door to understanding a culture on a deeper level, and one of the first and most practical aspects to master is the calendar – knowing how to discuss days, months, and seasons.

New to the Georgian language? Well, we hope you’ll find our short guide handy. And if you’re not yet familiar with the Georgian alphabet, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We’ve included the romanised spellings beside the Georgian words to help you along.

And if that wasn’t enough, there’s even a video included, complete with audio, so you can hear exactly how the days of the week are supposed to be pronounced.

Have fun!

days of the week

Days of the Week in Georgian

Days of the Weekკვირის დღეები (k’viris dgheebi)
Mondayორშაბათი (orshabati)
Tuesdayსამშაბათი (samshabati)
Wednesdayოთხშაბათი (otkhshabati)
Thursdayხუთშაბათი (khutshabati)
Fridayპარასკევი (paraskevi)
Saturdayშაბათი (shabati)
Sundayკვირა (k’vira)

months of the year

Months of the Year in Georgian

Monthsთვეები (tveebi)
Januaryიანვარი (ianvari)
Februaryთებერვალი (tebervali)
Marchმარტი (mart’i)
Aprilაპრილი (ap’rili)
Mayმაისი (maisi)
Juneივნისი (ivnisi)
Julyივლისი (ivlisi)
Augustაგვისტო (agvisto)
Septemberსექტემბერი (sek’temberi)
Octoberოქტომბერი (ok’thomberi)
Novemberნოემბერი (noemberi)
Decemberდეკემბერი (dek’emberi)


Seasons in Georgian

Seasonsსეზონები (sezonebi)
Springგაზაფხული (gazapkhuli)
Summerზაფხული (zaphkhuli)
Autumn/Fallშემოდგომა (shemodgoma)
Winterზამთარი (zamtari)

Beginner's Georgian with Online Audio
Beginner's Georgian with Online Audio
Master The Georgian Alphabet, A Handwriting Practice Workbook
Master The Georgian Alphabet, A Handwriting Practice Workbook
Learn to Read Georgian in 5 Days
Learn to Read Georgian in 5 Days
Georgian: Conversations, Vocabulary and Verbs
Georgian: Conversations, Vocabulary and Verbs

By now, you should have a good grasp of how to refer to the days, months, and seasons in Georgian. Keep revisiting these words and incorporate them into your daily practice.

Georgian Alphabet Tracing Practice Worksheets Pack [PDF Download]

Georgian Alphabet Tracing Practice Worksheets Pack [PDF Download]


Now test your knowledge with our Georgian days, months, and seasons flashcard quiz!