Mastering Georgian: A Beginner’s Guide to the Alphabet and Pronunciation

Mastering Georgian: A Beginner’s Guide to the Alphabet and Pronunciation

Welcome to the fascinating world of the Georgian language, known for its distinctive script and melodious sound! If you’re embarking on the journey of learning Georgian, getting familiar with its unique alphabet is the first and most crucial step.

Georgian is not related to any other language family in Europe, and its alphabet, Mkhedruli, is equally unique, with its beautiful, curving characters.

Below, you’ll find the complete 33-letter Georgian alphabet, along with pronunciation guidance using English word examples to help you get started.

Remember, while these examples can guide you, the sounds may not be exact matches to English, especially the ejective consonants, which are specific to Georgian and a few other languages. Listening to native speakers and consistent practice are key to mastering the pronunciation.

As you dive in, take it slow, practice each letter, and try to mimic the sounds as closely as possible. Over time, you’ll find yourself getting more comfortable with these unique sounds and getting closer to speaking Georgian with confidence.

1. ა (a) – [ɑ] as in “father”
2. ბ (b) – [b] as in “bat”
3. გ (g) – [ɡ] as in “go”
4. დ (d) – [d] as in “dog”
5. ე (e) – [ɛ] as in “bed”
6. ვ (v) – [v] as in “van”
7. ზ (z) – [z] as in “zoo”
8. თ (t) – [tʰ] as in “top” with a breathy release
9. ი (i) – [i] as in “machine”
10. კ (k’) – [kʼ] ejective as in “skirt” with a glottalized release
11. ლ (l) – [l] as in “love”
12. მ (m) – [m] as in “man”
13. ნ (n) – [n] as in “no”
14. ო (o) – [ɔ] as in “or”
15. პ (p’) – [pʼ] ejective as in “spot” with a glottalized release
16. ჟ (zh) – [ʒ] as in “vision”
17. რ (r) – [r] rolled as in Spanish “perro”
18. ს (s) – [s] as in “sun”
19. ტ (t’) – [tʼ] ejective as in “stop” with a glottalized release
20. უ (u) – [u] as in “food”
21. ფ (p) – [pʰ] as in “pot” with a breathy release
22. ქ (k) – [kʰ] as in “kite” with a breathy release
23. ღ (gh) – [ɣ] as in “loch” (Scottish), a voiced velar fricative
24. ყ (q’) – [qʼ] ejective, similar to “k”, but further back in the throat
25. შ (sh) – [ʃ] as in “shoe”
26. ჩ (ch) – [tʃ] as in “chip”
27. ც (ts) – [tsʰ] as in “cats” with a breathy release
28. ძ (dz) – [dz] as in “adze”
29. წ (ts’) – [tsʼ] ejective as in “cats” with a glottalized release
30. ჭ (ch’) – [tʃʼ] ejective as in “church” with a glottalized release
31. ხ (kh) – [x] as in “Bach” (German), a voiceless velar fricative
32. ჯ (j) – [dʒ] as in “judge”
33. ჰ (h) – [h] as in “hat”

Embrace the learning process, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes—they’re a natural part of acquiring a new language. With each step, you’re getting closer to unlocking the rich culture and history that the Georgian language holds.

Happy learning, and გაუმარჯოს (gaumarjos) — cheers to your new linguistic adventure!