Days Of The Week, Months Of The Year, Seasons, Weather, And Time In Basque

Days Of The Week, Months Of The Year, Seasons, Weather, And Time In Basque

Here at Language Hobo, we’re interested in teaching you the basics of your new language, so you’ll be able to build a strong foundation to work from as you progress.

That’s why we think introducing you to commonly-used Basque words related to the passage of time is a great place to start. These include the Basque names for days, months, seasons, weather conditions, and other time-related words.

Basque Udemy course

Most of the vocabulary on this list will show up often in conversation, so it’s important to learn them early on. Not only will you need to know how to describe when something occurs, but you might also want to talk about the weather at some point, a topic that goes hand in hand with the passage of time.

In this post, you’ll find a comprehensive list of words and phrases that you’ll encounter frequently, and that will provide greater depth to your Basque conversation skills. We’ve split everything up into convenient categories for easy perusal.

days of the week

Days of the Week in Basque

In this section, we’ll introduce you to the names of the 7 days of the week in Basque. They won’t look at all familiar, but we think they’re relatively easy to remember.

Days of the Week (English) Asteko egunak (Basque)
What’s the day today? Zer egun da gaur?
Monday Astelehena
Tuesday Asteartea
Wednesday Asteazkena
Thursday Osteguna
Friday Ostirala
Saturday Larunbata
Sunday Igandea

Watch this short video to hear how the Basque days of the week are pronounced.

months of the year

Months of the Year in Basque

Next, we’ll take a look at the 12 months of the year in Basque. A couple of them might sound familiar, but for the most part they’re quite different from the English names you’re used to, so they might take a bit more effort to learn.

Months of the Year (English) Urteko hilabeteak (Basque)
January Urtarrila
February Otsaila
March Martxoa
April Apirila
May Maiatza
June Ekaina
July Uztaila
August Abuztua
September Iraila
October Urria
November Azaroa
December Abendua


Seasons in Basque

Here, we’ll introduce you to the names of seasons in the Basque language. There are, of course, only 4 of them, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble remembering them. “Summer” especially is a breeze!

Seasons (English) Urtaroak (Basque)
Spring Udaberria
Summer Uda
Autumn (Fall) Udazkena
Winter Negua


The Weather in Basque

We couldn’t exactly teach you the names of the seasons and not include the weather, now could we? These two things tend to go together, so it makes sense to learn the vocabulary for both at the same time.

Weather (English) Eguraldi (Basque)
Rain Euria
Snow Elurra
Sun Eguzkia
Wind Haizea
Clouds Hodeiak
Fog Lainoa
Lightning Tximista
Thunder Trumoia
Storm Eraitza
Hot Bero
Cold Hotz

passage of time

Time in Basque

In this section, we’ll introduce you to some common time-related terms in Basque. We mean time in its most abstract sense here, so you’ll learn words like “day” and “minute” but also more general concepts like “now” and “later.”

Time (English) Denbora (Basque)
morning goiza
afternoon arratsaldea
evening gaua
night gaua
midnight gauerdia
dusk ilunabar
dawn egunsentia
second segundo
minute minutua
hour ordua
day eguna
week astea
weekend asteburu
month hilabetea
year urtea
decade hamarkada
century mendea
today gaur
yesterday atzo
tomorrow bihar
tonight gaur gauean
late berandu
early goiz
now orain
soon laster

telling the time

Telling the Time in Basque

You’ll also want to know how to tell the time. While this aspect of language learning can be one of the more tricky things to get your head around, we think you’ll find it manageable with a little practice.

Telling the time in Basque isn’t overly complicated. As long as you’re already familiar with numbers in Basque, you shouldn’t have too many issues remembering how to structure your time sentences.

When you want to say the exact hour with no minutes past or before, for hours two – twelve, you’d take the number and add the suffix “-rak” if the number ends in “u”, or “-ak” if it doesn’t. Finally, you end the sentence with “dira”, which means “is/are”. For example:

  • It’s four o’clock – laurak dira
  • It’s six o’clock – seiak dira

It should also be noted that for one and two o’clock, the word “ordu” precedes the number. This isn’t needed with the rest of the hours. For example:

  • It’s one o’clock – ordu bata da. No “-ak” suffix is needed, as “one” is singular
  • It’s two o’clock – ordu biak dira

To talk about minutes past the hour, you’d use the Basque word for “and”, which is “eta”, so that the sentence is framed as “hour and minutes”. Look at the example below:

  • ten past four (4:10) – laurak eta hamar [dira]
  • twenty-seven minutes past five (5:27) – bostak eta hogeita zazpi [dira]

To say minutes to the hour, you’d use the Basque word for “less”, which is “gutxi”, so that the sentence is framed as “hour minutes less”. Check out the example below:

  • five to three (2:55) – hirurak bost gutxi
  • eight minutes to nine – bederatziak zortzi gutxi

Half past the hour and a quarter past the hour, as they’re also fractions, have their own special names in Basque, which are “erdia” for “half”, and “laurden” respectively. You can see them in action in the table below.

Saying “midnight” in Basque

Being able to distinguish between “noon” and “midnight” is pretty important, and luckily Basque

has a term for twelve o’clock at night, which is “gaueko hamabiak”.

What’s the time? Zer ordu da?
[It’s] three o’clock Hirurak dira
[It’s] 6:30 Sei eta erdiak
Quarter to eight Zortziak laurden gutxi
Quarter past five Bost eta laurdenak / Bostak eta laurden

We hope you enjoyed this lesson on days, months, seasons, weather, and time in Basque. There’s a lot to remember, so we suggest taking your time with the vocabulary, focusing on one section at a time, and familiarizing yourself with it before moving on to the next.

When you’re ready to learn some more Basque vocabulary, we’ve got some great stuff for you to peruse. Check out Basque Language Basics: Useful Phrases for Beginners, and Body Parts and Clothes in Basque.
