Body Parts And Clothes In Albanian: Learn 60+ Awesome New Words To Boost Your Vocabulary
As a newbie to the wonderful world of Albanian, it’s important to learn the common words and phrases that you’re likely to encounter and use frequently. That’s why most beginners start with basic, everyday words, as these are some of the most relevant, and thus often some of the easiest to remember.
Two essential topics you should learn early on in your studies in any language are body parts (pjesët e trupit) and the clothes (rrobat) that you wear on them. This is because you need to be able to communicate when something hurts, or identify the clothes you’re wearing.
If you’ve spent enough time studying Albanian, you’ll have noticed that it doesn’t really resemble any other language you may be familiar with. This is due to Albanian’s unique origins and status as a language isolate (a language with no known relatives).
This means that, although a couple of the words you’re about to encounter might look familiar, the majority of them will seem completely foreign. As a result, they’ll be slightly harder to recall.
Fear not, however! We’ve broken everything down into manageable sections so you can learn the vocabulary little by little. Ready to get started? Let’s go!
Head in Albanian
A good starting point is the head and all its various features, of which there are many. You probably won’t notice any lexical similarities to other languages here, but that’s what makes things exciting!
English | Albanian |
Head | Koka |
Face | Fytyra |
Hair | Flokët |
Ear | Veshi |
Nose | Hunda |
Eyes | Sytë |
Forehead | Balli |
Mouth | Goja |
Chin | Mjekra |
Jaw | Nofulla |
Teeth | Dhëmbët |
Lips | Buzët |
Eyebrow | Vetulla |
Eyelashes | Qerpikët |
Tongue | Gjuha |
Cheek | Faqja |
Upper body in Albanian
In this section, we’ll be covering the upper body (pjesa e sipërme e trupit), from the neck right down to the chest, and everything in between.
English | Albanian |
Neck | Qafa |
Chest | Gjoksi |
Arm | Krahu |
Back | Shpina |
Hand | Dora |
Fingers | Gishtat |
Shoulder | Shpatulla |
Stomach | Barku |
Throat | Fyti |
Fingernail | Thoi |
Elbow | Bërryli |
Wrist | Kyçi i dorës |
![Albanian Verb Conjugation Practice [PDF Download]](
Albanian Verb Conjugation Practice [PDF Download]
Lower body in Albanian
Next, we’ll focus on the lower body (pjesa e poshtme e trupit). Here, you’ll learn the Albanian words for the body parts located in the lower half of the human body.
English | Albanian |
Leg | Këmba |
Knee | Gjuri |
Ankle | Kyçi i këmbës |
Foot | Shputa e këmbës |
Toes | Gishtat e këmbës |
Thigh | Kofsha |
Heel | Thembra |
Inner body and organs in Albanian
We can’t forget the inner body and the organs (organet e brendshme) that make the body function. This includes things like skin and that awesome red stuff that flows through us all.
English | Albanian |
Skin | Lëkura |
Kidney | Veshka |
Liver | Mëlçia |
Heart | Zemra |
Brain | Truri |
Lung | Mushkëria |
Blood | Gjaku |
Bones | Kockat |
Muscle | Muskuli |
Clothes in Albanian
And finally, we finish with a section on clothes (rrobat), where you’ll learn the Albanian words for the most commonly worn items of clothing and jewellery.
English | Albanian |
Hat | Kapelja |
Gloves | Dorezat |
Shirt | Bluza |
Dress | Fustani |
Skirt | Fundi |
Sweater/Jumper | Trikoja/Pulovra |
Trousers/Pants | Pantallona |
Underwear | Mbathje |
Shorts | Pantallona të shkurtra |
Shoes | Këpucët |
Boots | Çizmet |
Socks | Çorapet |
Scarf | Shalli |
Earrings | Vathët |
Coat | Palltoja |
Jacket | Xhaketa |
Ring | Unaza |
Necklace | Varësja |
Glasses | Syze |
As you can see, Albanian is a unique language with a rich, somewhat mysterious vocabulary. Although some of the words may be hard to wrap your head around at first, with a little practice (and possibly with the help of flashcards), you’ll be able to master them in no time!
And now that you know the basics of Albanian body parts and clothes, why not put your new knowledge to the test with this free downloadable Albanian matching worksheet, where you match the correct body part to the right clothing item?
Or, if you’re in the mood to learn some more essential vocabulary, check out our article Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Seasons, Weather and Time in Albanian.