The Best Amharic Books For Beginner Readers

The Best Amharic Books For Beginner Readers

Learning a new language can be daunting, but it’s important to remember that every journey begins with a single step. And when it comes to learning Amharic, one of the best steps you can take is to start reading Amharic books.

Not only will reading Amharic books help you to pick up new words and phrases, but it will also give you a better understanding of the Amharic culture and how the language is used in everyday life.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of 8 great Amharic books for beginner readers. Almost all the books on this list are written for children, which makes them ideal for adults hoping to learn Amharic as a foreign language, as they are short and use simple language.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the best Amharic books for beginners!

The Runaway Injera: An Ethiopian Fairy Tale

The Runaway Injera: An Ethiopian Fairy Tale in Amharic and English

The Runaway Injera is an Ethiopian fairy tale and reimagining of the classic story of the gingerbread man. The injera, a famous Ethiopian dish, becomes a fugitive as it runs away from hungry children.

Ethiopia is brought to life in this story through charming illustrations.

This is a bilingual book with English and Amharic text, perfect for early readers – both children and adults.

The Runaway Injera is a fun, light-hearted book that will leave you craving injera!

Sostu Tininish Asemawe’Ch

Sostu Tininish Asemawe'Ch (The Three Little Pigs in Amharic)

Sostu Tininish Asemawe’Ch is the Amharic translation of the classic tale of the three little pigs.

The three pigs face off against the big, bad wolf in this story to see whose house is the strongest.

The story is told in both Amharic and English, making it perfect for early readers who are learning the language and need a guide.

Awra Doro’Na Q’uebero

Awra Doro'Na Q'uebero (The Rooster and the Fox in Amharic)

Awra Doro’Na Q’uebero is a delightful Amharic translation of the classic Aesop’s fable “The Rooster and the Fox”.

The story follows a crafty fox who attempts to outsmart a wise rooster, only to be caught up in his own scheme.

The book is brought to life by vibrant colors, beautiful illustrations, and a touch of humor. It is sure to delight readers of all ages and is the perfect introduction to the Amharic language.

The Number Story 1 የቁጥር ተረት: English-Amharic

The Number Story 1 የቁጥር ተረት (English-Amharic)

The Number Story 1 is a dual-translation book that teaches children (and beginners) numbers 0-10 in a fun and engaging way. The book is beautifully illustrated and the Numbers come to life in a way that will make you or your child fall in love with learning.

The book follows the Numbers as they tell their stories and go on adventures. It’s a charming book that will help you learn the Amharic numbers in no time.

T’Nishwa Kh’ey Doro

T'Nishwa Kh'ey Doro (The Little Red Hen in Amharic)

T’nishwa Kh’ey Doro is an Amharic translation of the classic story “The Little Red Hen”.

The story follows a determined hen as she tries to get help from her animal friends to plant, water, and harvest wheat.

Though they’re all eager to eat the bread that comes from the wheat, none of them are willing to help with the work. The little red hen perseveres and ultimately teaches her friends a lesson about helping others.

You’ll love this heartwarming story and want to read it again and again, making it the perfect introduction to the Amharic language.

Beautiful Hair

Beautiful Hair: Celebrating Ethiopian Hairstyles in English and Amharic

This beautiful book celebrates the beauty and diversity of Ethiopian hairstyles. Told from the perspective of children, it shows the playful side of these unique and intricate styles.

With dual-language text in English and Amharic, it’s the perfect book for emerging bilingual readers. The illustrations are stunning and will leave you amazed at the creativity of Ethiopian hairstyles.

እንከንየለሽ የልጆች መጽሐፍ (Enkenyelesh Children’s Book)

እንከንየለሽ የልጆች መጽሐፍ (Enkenyelesh Children´s Book)

Enkenyelesh is an original Amharic-language story about a Habesha mermaid who is born as a human baby and is raised by fish in Lake Tana.

After asking their god to turn her into one of them, the conversion goes wrong, leaving Enkenyelesh with the tail of a fish and the body of a human.

The story follows her journey as she struggles to find her place in the world among the other animals in the lake, some dangerous.

Despite the challenges she faces, Enkenyelesh is a determined little mermaid who ultimately learns important lessons about acceptance, identity, and belonging.

The book is beautifully illustrated and the story is sure to capture your heart.

Fetena: A Collection of Amharic Poems

Fetena: A Collection of Amharic Poems

Fetena is a book of original Amharic poems that explore a range of topics related to the human condition. The poems are thought-provoking and captivating, promoting introspection about identity and purpose. The verses depict the challenges faced by people in Ethiopian society.

Fetena (“challenge” in Amharic) is a powerful book that effectively communicates the struggles and aspirations of humankind.

Though this poetry book might be better suited for more advanced readers, it is a great choice for anyone looking to explore the depths of the Amharic language.

We hope you enjoyed our selection of the best Amharic books for beginners. These books are a great way to start learning the language, and they offer a wide range of topics and genres to choose from.

Most of the books are dual-language, and we believe these, particularly for absolute beginners, are the most suitable to get started with, as you’ll be able to follow along with the story much easier, referring to the English translation when needed.

Are you having difficulty figuring out where and how to start learning Amharic? Check out our article The Best Ways to Learn Amharic. Or maybe you’re stuck on deciding which Amharic keyboard to use. In which case, we advise checking out our post Typing in Amharic: The Best Online Keyboards and Apps.